Herbert Deutsch was a composer, author, educator, and performer, and was Professor of Music at Hofstra University for 57 years. He is a composer of music in various media and his work has been widely performed, and commissioned works have been featured at national and regional conferences. In 1972, Deutsch co-founded the Long Island Composers Alliance. During his career at Hofstra, he founded Jazz Ensemble, Electronic Music Studios, New Music Ensemble, and created the B.S. Degree programs in Jazz, Composition/Theory and Music Business. He received the George Estabrook Distinguished Alumni Award in 1996 and the Hofstra Alumni Achievement Award in 2001. The Music Department has established the Herbert Deutsch Award for highest honors in Music Education.
In 1964, Deutsch collaborated with Robert A. Moog on the development of the Moog Synthesizer and, in September of 1965, his “New York Improvisation Quartet” presented the Moog’s first live program at Town Hall in New York City. He is a member and judge of The NY State School Music Association’s Composition and Improvisation Committee and a clinician in composition sessions at New York’s All-State Conference.
From the year 2000 through his passing in 2022, Deutsch has focused most of his composition work on pieces for chamber ensembles. In this period, he’s composed for his wife Nancy, and for many personal friends and locations which have been important to Deutsch.
Awards &

Herb Deutsch and Nathalie Robinson at the unveiling of the Hofstra Moog synthesizer display.
1984: Meet the Composer Grants
1988: ASCAP Standard Awards
1995: George Estabrook Distinguished Alumni Award, Hofstra University
1998: Who’s Who in Entertainment
2001: Hofstra Univ. Alumni Achievement Award
2007: Long Island Sound Award
2007: Music Educator of Note Award, L.I. Music Hall of Fame
2007: Lifetime Achievement Award, Moog Music, Inc.
2007: Distinguished Service Award, N.Y. State School Music Association
2009: Who’s Who in America (since 1992)
2021: Global Music Awards: Silver Medalist for Outstanding Acheivement

Electroacoustic Music: The First Century
Published by: CPP/Belwin, 1993
Report on a Seminar in Electronic Music Composition.
Published by: Audio Engineering Soc., 1965
Synthesis: An Introduction to the History, Theory & Practice of Electronic Music
Published by: Alfred Music Co., 1976
Teaching Yourself Piano: A Complete Self-Instruction Guide for the Beginner
Published by: Karamar Publications, 1994
The Music & Computer Glossary of MIDI Terms and Acronyms: A Handy Pocket Guide to 250 Easy-to-Understand Definitions: Plus Special “How to Set Up” Diagrams of a Typical MIDI Musicstation and a Multimedia Workstation.
Published by: Varon Music, 1990